Empower your teams, eradicate harassment Prioritize safety and respect with engaging workplace harassment training

Workplace harassment training software.

Why do I need workplace harassment training?

Anti-harassment training is essential for fostering a safe and respectful work environment. Legal and ethical perspectives underline its importance. Understanding workplace harassment in modern workplaces helps protect employees from harm, plus safeguards organizations from potential legal issues and reputational damage. By providing employees with the knowledge and tools to recognize, prevent, and address harassment, you create an inclusive, equal, and productive workplace culture.

The two pillars of anti-harassment training

  • Anti-discrimination laws require employers to prevent and address workplace harassment and discrimination. The absence of workplace harassment training leads to legal liabilities and costly lawsuits.

  • The implementation of anti-harassment training demonstrates an organization’s commitment to preventing harassment. In case of a harassment claim, a documented training program serves as evidence of efforts to prevent such incidents.


  • Harassment in the workplace causes emotional distress, harms mental health, and damages self-esteem. Training protects the well-being of employees as it provides them with knowledge and tools to recognize, report, and combat harassment.

  • A harassment-free workplace fosters inclusivity and diversity. Organizations that prioritize anti-harassment policies are seen as socially responsible and ethical. As a result, their reputation is positively affected, and they become more attractive to employees and customers.

Understanding workplace harassment

Two types of workplace harassment exist. Both types of harassment affect people’s well-being and undermine morale, job satisfaction, performance, and productivity. In some countries (the U.S., the U.K., the E.U., Canada, and Australia), employers are legally required to address and resolve such situations to maintain a safe and inclusive workplace.

Sexual harassment

This type of harassment refers to unwelcome and inappropriate behaviors of a sexual nature. These behaviors create a hostile or intimidating environment for individuals. Sexual harassment comes in many forms: explicit comments, unwanted advances, lewd jokes, sexual innuendos, or display of explicit materials.

Hostile workplace environment

A hostile workplace environment occurs when ongoing, severe, or widespread behavior, including discrimination, harassment, or bullying based on race, gender, religion, age, or sexual orientation, creates an uncomfortable atmosphere for employees. This can involve offensive language, unfair treatment, or any conduct that hinders an individual’s ability to work comfortably.

Transform your workplace, empower your people

Build respect and inclusivity with anti-harassment training on TalentLMS

Workplace harassment in numbers

TalentLMS and The Purple campaign’s survey “The state of employee sexual harassment training and TalentLMS and Culture Amp’s survey “Toxic work culture in the tech industry” report:

  • 29% of employees have witnessed an incident of workplace sexual harassment and turned a blind eye

  • Men are much more willing to take legal action against their employers (if they were to experience unwelcome sexual conduct) than women, with 50% saying they would do so regardless of who harassed them, compared to 38% of women who said the same.

  • Abusive behavior with bullying and harassment happens frequently, say 40% of employees who work in tech companies with a toxic culture

  • 90% of employees reported their sexual harassment training made them feel more aware of how to report incidents

  • 71% of employees agree sexual harassment training makes them more likely to stay with their company

  • 61% of employees agree that sexual harassment training makes them more productive

A robust legal framework provides clear guidelines and consequences for addressing and preventing harassment. It’s the fuel that empowers employees to assert their rights. Plus, it encourages organizations to establish proactive anti-harassment policies and training to deter potential harassers. Noncompliance with laws and regulations can have severe consequences like legal liability, damage to reputation, decreased employee morale, and financial costs.

Some relevant laws and regulations related to workplace harassment in the US include:

Title VII: Federal law that prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

EEOC Guidelines: The EEOC enforces anti-discrimination laws and offers clear guidelines for recognizing and addressing workplace harassment

ADEA: Federal law that prevents age-based discrimination for those 40 and older

ADA: Federal law that bars disability-based discrimination and requires reasonable accommodations

PDA: Amendment to Title VII that prevents discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions

Title IX: Prohibits sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, in both educational and workplace settings

GINA: Federal law that bans genetic information discrimination

Ways to prevent workplace harassment

Fostering a safe and inclusive work environment is of paramount importance. So, understanding and implementing effective strategies to prevent harassment is a top priority. How can companies proactively mitigate harassment in the workplace and help employees contribute to a culture of respect?

Create an inclusive workplace with workplace harassment training.

Have clear policies and anti-harassment training

Establish clear anti-harassment policies defining prohibited conduct, reporting procedures, and consequences. Provide comprehensive training to all employees, including supervisors and managers to achieve workplace harassment prevention.

Investigate promptly and take action

Investigate complaints thoroughly and impartially. Keep confidentiality by offering anonymous reporting. Enforce policies consistently with appropriate corrective actions.

Create a safe workplace that your people feel free to talk about any incident of workplace harassment.
HR managers should always keep records of any workplace harassment incident.

Keep detailed records of harassment incidents

Document complaints, investigations, and actions taken, including dates, statements, and outcomes. These records serve as evidence of due diligence in case of legal challenges.

Promote a culture of respect in the workplace

Foster a culture of diversity, inclusivity, and respect through open communication and a zero-tolerance stance. Ensure a safe and respectful workplace for all employees to succeed in workplace harassment prevention.

Promote respect in the workplace with proper workplace harassment training.
Offer sexual harassment trainign across all the company and keep your people aligned with the latest regulations.

Sexual harassment training

Sexual harassment training is key to fostering a safe workplace. In some U.S. states, it’s mandatory for employers to provide this type of training. Laws and regulations define the training content, covering harassment definitions, reporting procedures, and consequences.

Training frequency can vary. Some states require annual sessions for all employees. Also, there can be differences in training goals. Harassment training can focus on recognition and response, creating a harassment-free culture, or/and legal compliance.

Take the right course of action

Train an emotionally intelligent and respectful team

Harassment training:
The benefits

Workplace harassment training offers several advantages for both employers and employees:


  • Reduced liability

    Legal liability decreases, and commitment to anti-discrimination laws is demonstrated.

  • Improved company culture

    Workplace culture is driven by respect, inclusivity, and accountability as employees know how to recognize and report harassment.

  • Higher morale and productivity

    Harassment-free workplaces boost morale, job satisfaction, and employee productivity.


  • Safer workplace environment

    Training empowers employees to recognize and combat harassment, creating a safer workplace.

  • Increased confident

    Employee confidence when handling difficult situations rises and the emotional toll of harassment decreases.

  • Inclusivity and diversity

    A harassment-free workplace promotes inclusivity, values diversity, and encourages employees to excel personally and professionally.

Spotting the signs of workplace harassment

Handling harassment complaints in the workplace involves a two-fold process. Detecting harassment and conducting investigations.

Conducting harassment investigations

Designate investigators

Trained and impartial investigators are vital for handling harassment complaints with care. Opt for people who have no conflicts of interest with the involved parties.

Collect information

Make sure you get detailed information in a discreet manner to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the complainant, witnesses, and the accused party.

Document everything

Keep records of all interviews, statements, and evidence that are crucial for legal compliance and defense against potential claims.

Take appropriate action

In case of a harassment incident, implement necessary actions as soon as possible. For instance, disciplinary measures, counseling, or workplace changes.

Detecting harassment in the workplace

Awareness training

Harassment prevention training must be provided on a regular basis. Employees learn what constitutes harassment and how to recognize and report it.

Clear reporting mechanisms

Clear and confidential reporting procedures that employees can easily access are fundamental. Ensure multiple reporting options, like anonymous reporting channels.

Leadership responsiveness

Leaders and managers need to be vigilant and approachable. Encourage them to treat all complaints seriously and initiate appropriate actions.

Fortify reporting

Create a workplace culture where employees are comfortable reporting harassment without fear of retaliation. Assure them their complaints will be treated confidentially and promptly.

Fostering respect: Creating effective harassment prevention training

An effective workplace harassment training program includes content, multiple delivery methods, and periodic retraining. Tailoring the training to your organization’s specific needs is also crucial to its success.


Training content should focus on understanding legal requirements. Also, regular policy reviews help ensure compliance. At the same time, it’s crucial for people to know all about harassment definitions and how to report incidents. Anti-harassment training content should also include prevention strategies and ways to foster cultural sensitivity.


The way content is delivered plays an important role. In-person training with live, in-person sessions with skilled facilitators helps engage participants in discussions and answers questions. Online training allows employees to complete interactive modules, quizzes, and scenarios at their own pace on TalentLMS. The optimal training delivery is a combination of methods as it boosts flexibility and helps with knowledge retention. Plus, customization of training methods helps tailor training to specific teams or roles to accommodate all training needs.


To remain vigilant against workplace harassment, focus on the frequency of training. Regular updates are vital to keep learners informed about evolving laws, company policies, and government regulations. Don’t forget to include workplace harassment training into the onboarding process of all new hires. In case of significant policy changes or incidents of concerns, conduct specialized training session. Last, to ensure a continuous anti-harassment culture, add periodic refresher courses for all employees to reinforce knowledge.


Personalizing workplace harassment training is a powerful approach. Conduct assessments to identify and address the specific harassment-related knowledge of your employees. Craft training scenarios and offer case studies that mirror real-life situations learners might encounter. Establish a feedback system, like surveys, so employees can share their insights on the training process. This feedback, along with evaluation data, becomes the cornerstone for refining and enhancing the training program in terms of relevance and effectiveness.

Why use online training software for workplace harassment training

An online training software like TalentLMS will do wonders for successfully and seamlessly offering workplace harassment training to your employees.

Accessibility and convenience

Pipeline management, competitor and market research, defining the ideal customer profile, sales tools and techniques, prospecting and outreach, lead qualification, and perfecting sales pitches are some of the most important sales skills your teams need to grow.


Most sales today take place online. Allow your learners to discover how to use social media (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) to build relationships with customers and boost sales.

Choose an easy to use LMS to deliver workplace harassment training to your employees.


Sales reps discover how to use software and tools to automate any repetitive tasks that take up their time, so they’re able to focus more on selling.

Tracking and reporting

AI is the hottest trend in the sales industry. Sales teams should be well-taught on using AI to gain more insights into customer behavior and predicting potential customer needs, and be able to recommend tailor-made solutions.

Efficient workplace harassment training with the number one LMS.


Your sales training software must provide training content for building communication and active listening skills. These are key skills for effective sales.


Every sales rep is going to face objections or rejections from customers. Thus, your teams need to build knowledge on how to remain calm, listen to their clients’ concerns, negotiate, and provide constructive solutions.

Anonymous reporting

Let your sales teams be up to date with the latest product/services updates, but also include product knowledge training in your strategy to help them explore how consumers feel about your product.


Time is everything. Your sales reps are busy building sales strategies, researching, training, and reaching out to potential customers. Too many tasks in hand can be hard to handle if your people aren’t properly trained on how to manage their time effectively.

Harassment prevention: A moral imperative for inclusive workspaces

Addressing workplace harassment with effective training is more than just legal compliance. Creating a safe, inclusive, and respectful workplace is a moral imperative

The essentials: prevention, awareness, and vigilance. Ongoing, adaptable training and consistent policy enforcement will help organizations win against workplace harassment. However, it requires continuous strategy assessment and employee feedback.

This commitment also exemplifies ethical leadership and creates nurturing workplaces where all your people can personally and professionally flourish. Success lies in empowering every employee and ensuring they feel valued, protected, and heard.

Train your people. Measure results. Drive growth.

TalentLMS gives you the tools to supercharge every step of your training.


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