If you have information related to security vulnerabilities of TalentLMS, we want to hear from you. Please submit a report in accordance with the guidelines below. We value the positive impact of your work and thank you in advance for your contribution.
We will offer a reward of up to $100, depending on severity, to people who submit vulnerability detection reports that adhere to the guidelines and scope defined below in this page and are assessed to be valid by the TalentLMS security team.
Epignosis agrees to not pursue claims against researchers related to the disclosures submitted through this website who:
do not cause harm to Epignosis, our customers, or others;
provide a detailed summary of the vulnerability, including the target, steps, tools, and artifacts used during discovery (the detailed summary will allow us to reproduce the vulnerability);
do not compromise the privacy or safety of our customers and the operation of our services;
do not violate any law or regulation;
publicly disclose vulnerability details only after Epignosis confirms completed remediation of the vulnerability and not publicly disclose vulnerability details if there is no completion date or completion cannot be ascertained;
confirm that they are not currently located in or otherwise ordinarily resident in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria or Crimea; and
confirm that they are not on the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Specially Designated Nationals List.
In order to submit your vulnerability findings report, please contact us at security at talentlms.com. By contacting us, you consent to your information being transferred to and stored in the United States and acknowledge that you have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy policy of TalentLMS.